Location: KL, Selengor, Malaysia

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Group: James & Boitumelo


New technologies do not appear from nowhere as a mystical spark of inspiration from the mind of one individual. Nor are they inevitably accepted for their self-evident benefits. A technology emerges through a process involving broader cultural, linguistic, institutional and technological contexts

Videoconferencing, a fast and efficient method of bringing together 2 or more parties for a meeting - without flying, driving or catching trains. Used extensively for recruitment interviews, depositions and global business meetings, it is a truly 21st Century, eco-friendly and cost effective way to do business.

Videoconferencing technology, we are looking at incorporating a computer-simulated environment intended for its users to inhabit and interact with via avatars. This habitation usually would be represented in the form of two or three-dimensional graphical representations of humanoids (or other graphical or text-based avatars) creating a virtual world. Virtual World (VR) is shared and objectively present like the physical world, composable like a work of art, and as unlimited and harmless as a dream.

Also rich video-based menus that allow smooth transition between navigation and the interaction with representatives, as well as interact with rich multimedia content offering a self-help functions or the option to interact with the appropriate representative. For example, one is provided with a four main menu options: Restaurants (a selection of prerecorded advertisements and video clips of selected restaurants).

VR is gradually taking over a lot of communication medium and becoming widely available, around the turn of the century, it will not be seen as a medium used within physical reality, but rather as an additional reality.

VR originated within marginal subcultures: from science fiction, cyberpunk, and computer hacker culture, and from institutions including NASA, computer companies, and the military. Perceiving much wider applications than flight simulation and remote control, researchers coined the term "virtual reality," and promoted it as a paradigm shift for computers, and even for the whole society. The shift, though, was not into empty terrain: it was into such existing fields as entertainment, art, architecture, design and medicine.


Name: Peter Adjetey
Age: 30 years
Gender: Male
Culture: English Speaking (Christian)
Education: Degree/ Phd
Ways of Collecting Information: PDA
Experience: Yes (all over the world)

Family Status: Married
Occupation: Business Tycoon (Oil Import/ Exportation)

Peter Adjetey was born and raised in Accra/Ghana – West Africa, went to the United States at the age of 18 with his whole family his early education took place at St. Paul’s School La, Accra Bishop Boys' School and Accra Academy and in the state attended University of New Orleans (UNO) majored in Computer Science. After graduation he went back home, applied for job at SSB (social security bank) as a computer analyst, but rather was giving the position of Head of Computer Department.

Peter moved around a lot therefore finding it hard to stay at a particular place for a long time. So got himself into the oil business (importation and exportation) made a lot of money and was invited to join the leading party in his mid 20’s. Since Adjetey is Generation X person therefore technology has no effect on him, his ways of collecting information is through his pda most of the time, also using the internet almost everyday for personal tasks like e-mailing, organizing his finances (banking), reading the news etc.

Still a business tycoon and a politician Adjetey is a lively person who likes to engage in social activities like meeting up with friends catching up on old times and keeping himself updated as to what is going on, be it the latest innovation etc. Adjetey also enjoys there following during his spare time:

1 Entertainment (listening to a good folktale music)
2 Sports (but mainly Tennis)
3 Polities Discussions
4 Spending Quality time with family

With his busy and tight schedules he makes time for all these. So with video conferencing Adjetey’s style could be made much more manageable since he can’t be every place at the same time he can use video conferencing when he can’t make it to some meetings, therefore cutting done the amount of time spend in flying, driving or catching trains for him to be more productive in his work.


One2many Distribution:

This type of service allows a worldwide video conferencing/ data transfer right from your cell phone where a caller can perform more than one function. Regular conference calling, in real time with one person at different location via video, by using video and audio signals to link participant at locations for a specific purpose. Multi conferencing allowing users to simultaneously talk with several people at different locations via video and Data Transfer, In other words, no need any more to hand out files around the meeting table or fly halfway around the world for a couple of hours in a meeting room.
So this service is to rack up the travel expense and the days of jet-setting for high-flying businessmen.

Interactive Video Response:

This type of service help callers to navigate through rich video-based menus that allow smooth transition between navigation and the interaction with representatives, as well as interact with rich multimedia content.
Auto-Attendant; where a multimedia-greeting clip is presented to the caller. After the greeting, the caller is offered self-help functions or the option to interact with the appropriate representative. For example, in this IVR design, the main service has four main menu options: Restaurants (a selection of prerecorded advertisements and video clips of selected restaurants), Traffic (real-time traffic camera feeds for up-to-date information), Live TV (live TV feeds) and live Customer Service Representative (CSR).
This service is to keep the businessmen updated on what’s going on where ever they are.

Video Banking:

3G video banking; this service offers the opportunity to provide a more personal service by providing the capability for virtual meetings with customers wherever they are,
a complete video interaction center solution; inbound and/or outbound video calls can be performed by a dedicated representative. During the call session, the representative can choose to display video clips and other multimedia files. From viewing the account information to actually performing banking transactions. This service is focus on self-service banking.

S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.) ANALYSIS

STRENGTHS (advantages)

There has been increasing interest in the potential social impact of new technologies, such as virtual reality (as may be seen in utopian literature, within the social sciences, and in popular culture). Mychilo S. Cline, in his book, Power, Madness, and Immortality: The Future of Virtual Reality], argues that virtual reality will lead to a number of important changes in human life and activity. He argues that:
· Virtual reality will be integrated into daily life and activity and will be used in variou human ways.
· Techniques will be developed to influence human behavior, interpersonal communication, and cognition (i.e., virtual genetics).
· As we spend more and more time in virtual space, there will be a gradual “migration to virtual space,” resulting in important changes in economics, worldview, and culture.
· The design of virtual environments may be used to extend basic human rights into virtual space, to promote human freedom and well being, and to promote social stability as we move from one stage in socio-political development to the next.


Virtual reality has been heavily criticized for being an inefficient method for navigating non-geographical information. At present, the idea of ubiquitous computing is very popular in user interface design, and this may be seen as a reaction against VR and its problems. In reality, these two kinds of interfaces have totally different goals and are complementary. The goal of ubiquitous computing is to bring the computer into the user's world, rather than force the user to go inside the computer. The current trend in VR is actually to merge the two user interfaces to create a fully immersive and integrated experience. See simulated reality for a discussion of what might have to be considered if a flawless virtual reality technology was possible. Another obstacle is the headaches due to eyestrain, caused by VR headsets.


It is unclear exactly where the future of virtual reality is headed. In the short run, the graphics displayed in the HMD will soon reach a point of near realism. The aural aspect will move into a new realm of three-dimensional sound. This refers to the addition of sound channels both above and below the individual. The virtual reality application of this future technology will most likely be in the form of over ear headphones.


Virtual reality is a very sophisticated and very unfamiliar technology, which means most
people know nothing about it. With that heavy marketing has to be done in order to bring in face, which of course require too much experience. Virtual products are too expensive. Due to technology developments the market for vitality products is not stable because of the introduction of new technology everyday which make the on market products loss value so quickly.


Advertisements in the following media’s

Daily Newspaper (Front page Full color): Price: ¢ 5,850,000.00 ($ 650)

Magazine: (Ebony) Price: ¢ 7,650,000.00 ($ 850)
Billboards: (4) Price: ¢ 28,800,000.00 ($ 3,200)

TV (Prime Time): First Week Price: ¢ 10,800,000.00 ($ 1,200)

Internet: (Pop up’s): Free because the company website would be responsible for the pop up’s.

How advertisement would be run….
Daily Newspaper, Front page for one month and the rest of the 2-month page 4 size 5*7 color
Price: ¢ 5,850,000.00 * 23
= ¢ 134,550,000.00 ($ 14,950)

Two months (4th page) Price: ¢ 1,350,000.00 ($150)

Magazine: (Ebony) Two Issues, same price as indicated earlier

TV the rest of month normal showing Price: ¢ 18,900,000.00 ($2,100)

Making Total Estimate of:…

¢ 5,850,000.00
¢ 134,550,000.00
¢ 7,650,000.00
¢ 28,800,000.00
¢ 10,800,000.00
¢ 18,900,000.00
¢ 206,550,000.00 ($ 22,950) (Over all Total)


1 Shared Space: the world allows many users to participate at once.

2 Graphical User Interface: the world depicts space visually, ranging in style from 2D "cartoon" imagery to more immersive 3D environments.

3 Immediacy: interaction takes place in real time.

4 Interactivity: the world allows users to alter, develop, build, or submit customized content.

5 Persistence: the world's existence continues regardless of whether individual users are logged in.

6 Socialization/Community: the world allows and encourages the formation of in-world social groups like teams, guilds, clubs, cliques, housemates, neighborhoods, etc.


1 Digital and Computer Visualization techniques:

i) Do not convey the true three-dimensional nature of objects
ii) Do not convey the non-visual and aural feelings of touch, smell, etc.
iii) Less beneficial than really being in the field
iv) Lack the serendipitous nature of discovery

2 Based on the Personal Computer and Internet:

i) Having limited interaction with a computer
ii) Not interacting with people in a flexible manner

3 Multiple styles of access e.g. CDROM and Websites:

i) CD-ROMs can only provide a finite limited amount of information
ii) Visiting a website can be difficult and depends on many factors, such as availability of computers, load on the network, number of connections, reliability of service provision, etc.

4 Wide Variety available on the Internet:

i) Easy for students to get lost among lots of websites
ii) Many websites are ephemeral rather than permanent

5 Variable quality:

i) Often difficult to find a suitable one for teaching and learning
ii) The abundant websites are not quality controlled

6 Designed to be interactive like computer games:

i) It is easy for students to wallow, or obsess over particular sites, which raises the problem of time management


References: (s.w.o.t)


Blogger Shellydesuza said...

Its a great idea to use Video conferencing technology which enables a person to be present in multiple places inspite of busy and tight schedules. It even reduces travel expenses and results in more productive work.

5:31 AM  

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